Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Smarter Goals

Smarter Goals:Major(R)Khalid Nasr
The following are seven secrets of smarter goals: 1. Specific:When you were searching for romance, you had a specific idea of what type of person excited you. Suppose someone asked you, “What would this person look like?” or “What qualities or attributes are important to you?” Most likely you could, with out even blinking an eye, describe what type of person would excite you. In other words, what person would create passion in you? You probably visualized how this person looked, sounded, acted, and even smelled. Because you visualized this mate, “You would know it when you saw it.”Apply the same techniques to your goal setting. Take the time to visualize exactly what you want to accomplish. Take a few minutes, find a quiet place, relax, close your eyes, and think about what you want to accomplish in life. What is it and what does it feel like? The more senses you involve in your visualization, the more real it becomes, and the more passion you have concerning your goals. The more detail the better.Know what you want!2. Measurable:In a romantic situation, the question is, “What is the next step?” or “Where is this relationship going?” or “Where are we going to be?” As in a romance, you need to be able to answer the following questions:What are the steps along the way to accomplishing my goals? How do I keep track of the steps I’ve accomplished? What will happen when I accomplish each step?Make sure your goals can be measured so that you know whether you are on track or behind and what appropriate actions you need to take to stay on track.3. Action-Oriented:In a great romance, you are always working to take the actions to further the relationship. You buy flowers, go to the movies or a concert, or take some action that furthers the romance. In goal setting, what actions do you need to take to achieve your goals? Are these actions tangible? Are you clear on what steps to take when progressing to achieving your goals? Document the actions needed, take the action, and document that you took the action.4. Realistic:Great romances have realistic expectations about the direction in which they are going. The romances last because they are realistic in terms of values, perceptions, finances, etc.Are you realistic with your goals? You may want to make $20 billion by the end of this year. Is that realistic? Most likely not since that depends on your resources, experience, confidence, network, etc. Work on your baby steps. For example, if you made $50k last year working for an organization, you may say, “I want to make $75k by December 31st of this year.” Is that possible? What actions do you need to take? Would you need a promotion or overtime? Are you thinking of starting a part-time business?Once we start asking these questions, we will come away with the realistic answers for setting goals.5. Time Sensitive:Great romances are time sensitive. The people involved are excited about their relationship and are sensitive about the time needed to accomplish their “love goals.”It is important that you make your goals time sensitive. What are the deadlines to accomplish your goals? Make sure you break your deadlines into smaller time lines or events so that your goals are more manageable and realistic.By setting time lines, you will have constant feedback to gauge where you are along the path to accomplishing your goals.6. Encouraging:In a great romance, each partner is encouraging each other to improve themselves, to do better, and to believe in themselves. They are excited about the romance and are inspired to take their relationship to the next level, even through the ups and downs of life.What inspires or excites you with the goals you want to achieve? Is it a good feeling, a new sense of confidence, encouraging? Use the positive energy and thoughts to fight through challenges you may encounter along the way to achieving your goals.7. Rewarding:Great romances are very rewarding. The rewards may be the love of another person, peace of mind, finding a soul mate, etc.How rewarding are your goals? Once taking the steps to achieve them or achieving them, what rewards will you receive? What financial, spiritual, health, educational, family, community, career, and business rewards will you receive?At each step to achieving your goal, what reward will you give yourself? It’s okay; I encourage you to give yourself an award or pat yourself on the back for achieving your goals. It could be as simple as renting a movie, going to dinner, or playing inspirational music. But the important point is to reward yourself.Use these tips to romance and create passion for SMARTER goals and you will achieve what you want.

Create Exciting Vision

Create Exciting Vision :Major(R)Khalid Nasr
Create a vision you can be excited about."A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock when somebody contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind." Antoine de Saint - Exupery>The expansion of an idea into a vision that inspires action adds up to achievement. Everything created began with an idea that was developed into a vision that inspired action. In 1962 John F. Kennedy had a vision voiced like this, "We choose to go to the moon in this decade…". About a year later Martin Luther King (MLK) expressed his vision which included, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." It seems every Olympic Gold Medal winner's journey at some point clarified the vision that they could win an Olympic gold, and the greatest works of architecture came from contemplation. Learn the benefits of an unlimiting vision that you can be excited about and how to begin creating that vision by reading on. 5 ways a vision helps produce what you want: 1. Unlimited Results:Bill Gates had a belief that the computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home. This became the early vision for Microsoft. I wonder how much slower Microsoft would have developed if his original vision was limited. A vision expands the possibilities. 2 .Focus & Guidance: A clear picture of the end result helps you maintain focus on what is most important. Thoughts direct actions so it makes sense that holding a vision of what will make the greatest positive impact will help guide your actions in the direction that will make the greatest positive difference. 3. Manifestation:The creation of something valuable begins with an idea nurtured towards realization. Visions are not always manifested in our time frame. Imagine how many would have suffered if his vision was small. A vision sets the intention for the manifestation of what you want. 4 .Motivation:An inspiring vision based on who you are motivates daily into action. The vision can be based on:- a talent such as a singer who has a vision to win American Idol,- a cause such as Peace Pilgrim who walked for 28 years and over 25,000 miles to bring about peace,- a passion such as a gardener who wants to develop a landscape business. 5. High quality decisions:Being clear about what is most important long term can help you make better decisions when new choices and opportunities present themselves.Create a Vision Board- Cut pictures out of magazines that speak to you personally, add words, quotes, numbers, etc. to your vision board and put it where you will see it daily. Notice how what you want begins to show up.Close your eyes and experience your vision with all of your senses as if it has been achieved. This is important. Make it as vivid as possible.

Creative Thinking

Creative Thinking:Major (R)Khalid Nasr
Einstein once said, “Every child is born a genius.” But the reason why most people do not function at genius levels is because they are not aware of how creative and smart they really are.
Let’s start off with the definition of creativity. The best definition of creativity is, simply, “improvement.” All you have to do is develop the ability to improve your situation, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. All great fortunes were started with ideas for improving something in some way. In fact, an improvement needs to be only 10 percent new or different to launch you on the way to fame and riches.
There are four generally accepted parts of the creative process: 1.There is preparation, where much of the work is done. 2.There is cerebration or rumination, where you turn the matter over to your subconscious mind. 3.There is realization, where the idea or ideas come to you. 4.And finally, there is application, where you work out the creative idea and turn it into something worthwhile. Of the four, preparation seems to be the most important, and it involves gathering the right data and asking the right questions.
Your success in life will be determined largely by the quantity of ideas that you generate. It seems that the quality of ideas is secondary to the quantity and that if you have enough ideas, one or more of them will turn out to be prizewinners. 1.You can begin building your creative muscles with focused questions. Some that you might think of are the following: What are we trying to do? How are we trying to do it? What are our assumptions? What if our assumptions are wrong? All improvements begin with questioning the current, existing circumstances. If you are not making progress for any reason, stop and think, and begin asking yourself the hard questions that will stimulate your mind to consider other possibilities. Asking focused questions-hard questions that penetrate to the core of the matter-is the real art of the creative person. The next step is to have the courage to deal with all the possible answers. Once you have come up with a possible solution, ask yourself, “What else could be the solution?” If your current method of operation were completely wrong, what would be your backup plan? What else would you or could you do? What if your current procedure or plan turned out to be a complete failure? Then what would you do? And what would you do after that? All of those questions will force you to think further and come up with better answers.
The second way to build your mental muscles is with intensely desired goals. The more you want something and the clearer you are about it, the more likely it is that you will generate ideas that will help you to move toward it. That is why the need for clearly written goals and plans for their accomplishment is repeated over and over. Any intense emotion, such as desire, stimulates creativity and ideas to fulfill that desire. And the more you write down your goals and plans, and review them, the more likely it is that you will see all kinds of possibilities for achieving those goals.
The third generator of creative-thinking muscles is pressing problems. A good question to ask is “What are the three biggest problems that I am facing in my life today?” Write the answer to this question quickly, in less than 30 seconds. When you write the answer to a question in less than 30 seconds, your subconscious mind will sort out all extraneous answers and give you the three most important ones.
When you have your three most pressing problems, ask yourself, “What is the worst possible thing that can happen as a result of each of these problems?” Then ask yourself, “What are all the things that I can do, right now, to alleviate each problem?” If you have a problem that is worrying you for any reason, think about what you could do immediately to begin alleviating that concern. This is a prime use of your creative powers.
The first key to success in creative thinking is clarity. Take the time to think through, discuss and ask questions that help you to clarify exactly what you are trying to accomplish and exactly what problems you are facing at the present moment. Just as fuzzy thinking leads to fuzzy answers, clear thinking leads to clear answers.
A second key is concentration. Put everything else aside, and concentrate single-mindedly on focusing all your mental powers on solving one single problem, overcoming one particular obstacle or achieving one important goal. The ability to concentrate on a single subject without diversion or distraction is a hallmark of the superior thinker.
A third key is an open mind. The average person tends to be rigid and fixed in his thinking about getting from where he is to where he wants to go. The creative thinker, however, tends to remain very flexible and open to a variety of ways of approaching the problem. The average person has a tendency to leap to conclusions and determine that there is only one way to achieve a particular goal. The superior thinker, on the other hand, tends to be more patient and willing to consider a variety of options before moving toward a conclusion.
There is one other creative concept that can be very helpful when it is used in combination with what we have already discussed, and it is called the “limiting step.”
In relationships and misunderstandings between people, there is almost invariably a sticking point or subject area that needs to be resolved in order to bring about harmony again. Your job is, first, to identify this limiting step and then, second, to find a way to alleviate the difficulty to the satisfaction of everyone involved.
You are a genius, and you were born with the potential for exceptional creativity. But creative abilities are latent. They are like muscles that grow with use. You can increase your creative powers by using them, over and over, in every situation, deliberately and specifically, until creativity and a creative response to life is as natural to you as breathing in and out is. There are very few things that you can do that can have a more powerful positive impact on your entire life than becoming excellent in creative thinking.